Tuesday, February 5, 2013

very possibly over-planned

I am a planner; I absolutely love planning things out. I plan out my meals for the week, along w/the grocery list. I love to plan parties, and all the decorations, food, budget, possible costumes and invitation wording. I enjoy filling my calendar with activities and trips and hang outs and making sure I am not double-booked and even planning down time, or time to do chores. 

lately I have gotten some momentum in my life toward doing All The Things, and while I am thrilled to have so many opportunities available to me, I wonder if I am not over doing it. I also wonder that, while everything is planned out oh-so-loverly-like, 'm spending a large portion of my life figuring out what 'll be doing with my life. what about right now? 

I have started to back away from the internet a bit. it's still a huge part of my life (and my job is doing stuff online), but gosh it sure is nice to make things in real life, and see progress and change brought about because I did something myself. I didn't just pin another pretty photo to my inspiration board - I flippin' MADE something and it's awesome and I would do it again. I like irl things. irl is where I live - these dang screens suck away so much of my time... 

I enjoyed doing the monster girls challenge because it had me drawing all the time. I haven't really drawn much SINCE, and that was months and months ago. internet inspires me to draw, internet keeps me from drawing later... what a double-edged sword you are! 

'm not sure where I was going with this, other than I have started to do some things in my life that 've been meaning to do (and that 've been pinning things to organize/inspire me to do!), and I am very impressed w/my progress so far. funny how you can get there eventually if you just start walkin'.

just so this post still has something artsy in it, here's a shot of my nails that I just took, cuz I did 'em this evening! that's some neon pinky/red from american apparel, and the turquoise is... a new one that I got for xmas, can't recall the name just now. 2 of my fav colors, together on my finger tips! they're super-short right now thanks to hoopdancing last saturday - I grabbed at my heavier hoop at some point and it smacked the ring finger nail and snapped it. so, OFF WITH ALL OF THEMS. no having weird shorter nails for a time, not for me!

oh claw hand, you're such an awkward pose to take. also, that happy star in the photo is a gift from my husband for xmas this year. it's got glowy lights in it, and fades through all the colors of the rainbow when I turn it on. he's so HAPPY and he GLOWS! I loves him lots, and he sits next to me on the couch while I laptop internet away!

two blog posts in 1 week? what is this, a trend? :o

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