Wednesday, August 22, 2012

monster girl: satyr

oh man I had so many ideas for this one, and this just happened. I still have not found my eraser, so these last few have been done w/no erasings - gah! so many things I could add and subtract!! must commit! no undo button!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

monster girl: cyclops

I couldn't find my eraser, so this one's done w/o any erasing at all. I started her a little too far to the left on the page, so her hammer turned into a backwards axe :\

she's like a spartan badass or something. not a cheerleader. but that would also be fun. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

monster girl: alien

so then THIS happened. o_O

monster girl: robot

robot girl ends up being WAY cuter than a monster girl should be, hahahhaa - but she's missing both legs and her foot dangles from a power source above her. ta daaaah. also, replicant eyes, what what.

monster girl: ghost

once again, I want to doodle a lot more and... she ends up being more floaty weird girl, than GHOST, to me. hm. well, round 2 next time. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


this project fell behind quickly while I was on vacation!

no worries, I will catch up and soon there will be a billionty new monster girls to enjoy :)